Friday, March 07, 2008

Just a rant before spring break starts !

Dear Sumant,

Wow ! Its last day of school and I am done with my classes so I thought I should better update this blog. Today it snowed again !! I had two classes including measure theory and combinatorics. Its Friday and I am pepped up to make the best use of this vacation. Last time when it was Christmas and New Year Break, I read a lot and was very happy the way I was able to utilize my break. My main focus this break will be measure theory and combinatorics. I am beginning to get a handle on measure theory and I really want to do well in the first test which is suppose to be on Wednesday after the break. Three people showed up for the extra time I promised.
I today called my parents and we talked for a while. I again insisted on reading the 7 Habits but they don't seem to understand my point of you and I don't know how better to get my message across unless they make an attempt to read it. I am totally convinced that learning and reflecting should be made a part of everyday life. If we are not learning then we are unlearning and which is a root cause of many psychological problems We are all so concerned about the kind of food we eat but at the same time we have to be very careful about what kind of thoughts we let our brains be exposed to. That's why I have now become very selective about the kind of News I even read. As you know these days I am reading Iyengar's "Tree of life". It's a fascinating book and it has opened my eyes to Yoga as never before. So one of the next thing when I return home will do Yoga for the 8th consecutive day ! Yay.

That's for now
Sumant Sumant


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