Monday, October 23, 2006


Dear Sumant,

You know that I don't like to gamble money. Being a math major helps you to know that betting is not a safe proposition. On the other hand it does tells you that you can win if you play smartly. Problems like Gambler ruin and Stochastic processes can help you to determine when to get out of the game and how to raise your bets. I has also sparked my interest into Poker. My dad maintained that in collge I will learn playing cards. I didn't do it when I was in college in India and haven't here. But learning is more of an intellectual curosity and ability to use your knowledge in an applied setting. So today I got excited about learning poker and went to Jenn's house. There I met my old buddies Justin, Andrew, Joe, David and Ray. There was a cardinal game and ray was more interested in that. So lily joined for him. I was under the tutelage of Justin. He showed me how to play. The last time I tried poker was in Train while coming from California to Chicago. They were bunch of fellow pessengers who got together to play Texas Holdem Poker. but I had forgotten that stuff. Poker is a fun game which involves beside knowing the rules is the alertness to read your oponents move and phyche. I know its addictive but I plan to get better at it without getting sucked into the money proposition.
Best regards
Sumant Sumant


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