Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Differntiable of abs(polynomial)

Dear Sumant,

Its Tuesday noon and I am in Math, Neckers lab. I have two homework due tomorrow including Linear Algebra and Abstract Algebra. Yesterday while trying to help Yanagi, I came across one question which was about finding the derivative of a function in terms of absolute value. I think it was neat because at first glance you just try to dismiss that as something which is not differentiable, but then its not differentiable only at the cusp. So for example abs(x) is not differentiable at 0 but its differentiable at all other points. Therefore its derivative can be written as x/abs(x). The same idea can then be generalize to find the derivative of abs(polynomial). The derivative of which will be polynomial/abs(polynomial) * derivate of polynomial. In past several lectures I came across the general definition of determinant. Learned about cosets, normal subgroups and quotient group. The counting method with generating functions is pretty interesting. The book on Visual linear algebra has some interesting use of Maple software and I am very eager to do the cryptology part of it. I have already installed all the tutorials for Maple so I can look forward to some very interesting days ahead in using Maple.

Thats for now
Sumant Sumant


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