Thursday, May 31, 2007


Sequacious (si-KWAY-shuhs) adjective

Unthinkingly following others.

The other synonyms are subservient, tractable, confirmist, inclined to follow other than lead

Some sentences I found on internet

1) The tattoo business thrives on sequacious youth.

2)"In the April 1945 Catholic Worker, Janet Kalven of the Granville Agricultural School for Women in Loveland, Ohio called for 'an education that will give young women a vision of the family as the vital cell of the social organism, and that will inspire them with the great ambitions of being queens in the home.' By which she did not mean a sequacious helpmate to the Man of the House, picking up his dirty underwear and serving him Budweisers during commercials." Bill Kauffman; The Way of Love; Whole Earth (San Rafael, California); July 2000.

This word reminds of of the word obsequious which means fawning or a yes person. Who is too ready to please you. I think the two words have similar roots.

So here is my take on this word to describe people

We want to invest in people, make them leaders who can think out of the box rather than keeping them as sequacious workers.

Helping people become independent is the new mantra in self help books because only independent people can become interdependent, the dependent people remain sequacious.

Television is a medium where demagogues find their sequacious adherents.

Another meaning I found is

Persisting in continual intellectual or stylistic direction

I make these notes and I am tired of notes ... I want something sequacious now and robust.


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