Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Renewing Myself

Dear Sumant,

It's been a while that I am taking time to renew myself. I had several holidays where I would just spend time doing things to keep myself busy and realized that the whole purpose of holiday hasn't served me well. Before the holidays would start, I would have plethora of plans and once when the holidays would set in, I would wish the school would start again because all I would do in holidays would be watching tons of movies, squaring off my time on internet. Sleeping too late at night only to be annoyed at myself for not sleeping early and ruining the whole day. This had become so recurring that I was getting afraid of holidays. So this time I have given up the internet access. In fact right now I am typing this blog on my Linux Computer which is not connected to Internet and in the background I am playing "Gin Soaked Boy", one of my all time favorite song.

Today, I spent the whole day reading to rejuvenate myself and surprised myself that I could hold on my concentration for so long. For past some time I been monitoring my behavior that I was not enjoying the present moment, instead my thoughts were projected on what I feel after 2 hrs, 5 hrs or a week. This was particularly strange to me because when you think like that your whole experience of present is watered down. If you have seen "Click" you know what I am talking about. It's like when you think outside the present you tend to go on an autopilot mode and wake up realizing that the time has passed and you just wasted it. After giving up the internet connection and cable connection I am very much like a hermit in this place. It's at a right distance from the campus to ride bicycle. I loved this May 22nd because I am very calm today. I hope to make this holiday my best possible break where I can reflect on my life and rejuvenate myself to affect everyone else positively.

Sumant Sumant


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