Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Kitsch and Ketch

Dear Sumant,

Today in the morning while I was solving the "Jumble" an anagram quiz, I came across this word "HECKT". I correctly identified that it will be "KETCH", a word that I must have read somewhere but I was thinking about "Kitsch" a word for Inferior art. So for the benefit of everyone I am posting several pics of Ketch. A Ketch is a two mast sailboat and if you search on pictures on google you might see several of these. Ketch is pronounced as Ketch in Ketchup.

The definition of Kitch is from Wikipedia and it reads as
" Kitsch is a term of German origin that has been used to categorize art that is considered an inferior copy of an existing style. The term is also used more loosely in referring to any art that is pretentious or in bad taste, and also commercially produced items that are considered trite or crass "
All these pictures are from google images and so the copyright for these remains with the owner.

The last time I visited museum of art in Chicago I took lots of picture of the famous paintings. Could all those pictures be called Kitsch ? Probably not, Kitsch are inferior imitation of great artwork, the digital pictures are exact replica, I think Kitsch is more to do with copying style than content. For example when I see Picaso's work, I always think its not too difficult to imitate it !
Best regards


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