Sunday, January 28, 2007

Describing Mood

Dear Sumant,

I opened a book and there was an exercise in it to describe the mood. It was written that most of the time we use only a dozen of words to describe our emotions. So I took it as a challenge and started writing the words. The words I came up with are
Great, Ecstatic, Fabulous, Wonderful, Exhilarating, Euphoric, Pretty Good, Energized, Awesome, Excited, Fantastic, Orgasmic,Glad, Superb Phew.. I could come up with only 14. So in the next whole week my resolution is to take it to 100 words and I will post those 100 words right here. Meanwhile yesterday I read about Filippo Brunelleschi and how his vision of constructing the greatest dome in the history of mankind. It was inspiring and I plan to reread it. Yesterday I was able to find time to read parts of Nahin's book and hopefully by today I will have some other exciting books, I am all pepped up. Its 10:03 in the morning and I look forward to another productive day.

Best Regards
Sumant Sumant


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