Saturday, September 30, 2006

When the Saint's go marching in

Dear Sumant,

I just played "When the Saints go marching in" without any mistake for the first time. So I am pretty excited. It will take another month or so to become really proficient in that song but I am doing pretty good. I have now also started to learn the "Banks of Ohio" song. I am gaining confidence in my piano playing ability. That means things are really going according to my plan ! My school is also in right direction just had a test of Linear Algebra and Abstract Algebra. The next week I have two more tests on Proabability and Stochastic Processes plus Discrete Mathematics. I have also scheduled an appointment for my logic test to be on Tuesday afternoon. I have rediscovered "Plum" as a new snack. I am liking the taste and it can be easily carried in one's backpack like an apple. Most of the time I am able to stick to my fruit breakfast and I feel very good about it. Yesterday I cooked some more vegetables including Cauliflower, Green Peas, Tomatoes, Carrots, Green and White Onions. I also visited Chi alpha for the first time and enjoyed the evening discourse on the power of prayer. Which goes very much inline with my thinking. Few days back we learned Stirling's number of second kind,partition numbers, inclusion exclusion principle, Bucket numbers, Bell numbers, Markov Chains and new things in the abstract algebra. We have just started random walk and things are beginning to light up in Probability class. So academically I am overjoyed.

Thats for now
Sumant Sumant


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