Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Yoga and new ping pong paddle

Dear Sumant,
I am right now sitting on the 3rd floor of the newly renovated Morris Library and it rocks. The new looks is difinitely very pretty. Today Mei got me a Ping Pong Paddle. It's a very nice paddle and I love it. Thank you Mei, I really appreciate it. It's the 2nd paddle I have own in last 20 years ! We played for more than an hr at Rec Center and I loved it playing with the new paddle. I have serveral things to do. I have to finish my laundry. I have some pictures of the Yoga I did today, yeah kind of showing off, but my other goal was to document if I am doing correctly. So here are few of those pics me doing some of the asanas.
Best Regards
Sumant Sumant


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