Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lake Kinkaid plus hashing

Dear Sumant,

Not much to write about Saturday. I first went to Lake Kinkaid. I was with Akina and Mark and following someone who lost the way and we went all the way to a sweet little town called Ava. After that we did manage to find our way back to Kinkaid. It was a scenic route. Then I went to Giant City Park for our monthly run. Met 3 more new people including Sarah, Dave and Joe. It was funny that I bump into Aura at the meeting point and I am not sure how she took to the hashing name when I introduced her to other people from the hash. The trail this time was not so long though at one pt it was way too slippery and I was bruised but nothing serious. Later we went to Teressa's place in Murphysboro. It was again another scenic route on pleasant hill road. At her place we played several card games including "Asshole". There were more people from the hash and it was a fun evening.

Best regards
Sumant Sumant


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