Saturday, June 24, 2006

Sumant's June 24, 2006

Yesterday I did lot of shopping. I was on a shopping spree after a long long time because most of my shopping these days is done on internet. However one thing which I still haven't brought online is cloths. So when I say I was on a shopping spree it means I got more cloths for me. I also got a Math GRE book and a vocab book too. Yes I am planning on giving Math GRE sometime probably December 2006. I am excited about buying a vocab book, its after a very long time that I have a vocab book and I am planning on finishing it as soon as possible. Its a Princeton review vocab and the content seems good.

Today was another exciting thing that happened I got a second bicycle its a schwin bike and I bought it from mid west cash in Marion. So now I have two bicycles one schwin and another one is roadmaster. I had a spare bicycle lock the one with a number lock and now I am able to use it. LOL ! Today also my car broke down while coming back from Marion to Carbondale at a place not far from John A logan college, I guess the name of the place was cranville. It was next to a liquor store. I was really moved by Omar's gesture. I called him just to find about the number of a towing company and he offered to come and take a look so he can fix it and within half an hour he was there. Omar gave me the company for the next half an hour under that scorching sun even getting the jump start kit from his automotive school, replacing his car's battery and numerous other ways he can think off. Finally we got it towed by American tow company. Fortunately I had some pizza and cold drink and that was our lunch. I still feel that I haven't been able to thank enough for Omar's gesture. Infact gestures like these make you think how good some people are.

Another interesting that today happened was that I finally solved the whole Rubic Cube today. The feeling was just sublime. I had been trying to do that for quite sometime the breakthrough came yesterday when Daniel for the first time showed me his method and solved the cube. Then there was Yuan Lin who had solved the cube unlimited number of time when he was in kindergarten, I had the solution with me and with 10 minutes he solved the cube from the scratch. He had a better understanding of the notations and later that evening he got me his handwritten directions for solving the cube which substitute arrows for the clockwise and anti clockwise directions. Yesterday also was interesting when Joyce cooked the green Thai curry. It was spicy and I loved it. I had some fried dal to offer and they loved it. So I think pretty soon we will be getting together again for another dinner.


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