Saturday, April 22, 2006

The way I feel now

"He who is limping is still walking". I loved this thought because this summarizes my current situation. Yesterday I participated in Badminton Tournament and it was fun.
The news channels like CNN are ever ready to malign President Bush and this always makes me think if people are so disgusted by him then why they elected him second time ?? and also how does it matter to him if his rating is 30 percent or 5 percent. I predicted on this blog that Bush will win inspite of the ridiculous projection by these very same channel overwhelming favoring Kerry. It is fashionable to say that he is a disgrace to US but as far as I see I think Bush is going to be one of the most influential leader in our history. The people who spew vitriolic on him should ask themselves what it would be to live a life in a burqa and have no freedom of thought, any thing against the religion or its authority could be termed blasphemy and lead to being stoned or maimed. Its a hate ideology and the war on terror brings that issue to limelight. Ofcourse the military method wouldn't bring the solution but then currently its the only method which is sanctioned. Why can't we boycott and force these countries like we did to South Africa in apartheid era. Because here also we have the very same situation. People get tortured and always live a life in constant fear always judging themselves if their slightest act would carry them to the hell fire. I remember visiting Malaysia once and was surprised by so many prayer halls everywhere. Its good to do prayer as it brings calmness but if something is made a routine you have to adhere at all cost just to avoid hell fire then it becomes agonizing and that's the reason these people start hating others who live and enjoy life without having to do such chores. They can only assuage their hurt feeling by telling themselves of the heavenly pleasure they will have and the others will be forsaken and so you have an army of suicide bombers ever ready to explode themselves to get out of this jittery and enjoy the eternal bliss so promised. Freedom of thought and freedom to practice and choose ones belief has made America one great nation and this should be sustained and carried forward by the media instead of imposing on the public with their own shallow researched opinion and adhering to political correctness.


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