Monday, June 26, 2006

New Words !

Its now almost two days since I last posted. I said that I will be learning new words and the past two days have been good. I learned 5 words per day and in all learned 10 new words. The words are Accretion, Abscission, Quail, Quaff, Quotidian,Gambol, frolic, Gainsay, Germane, Impetuous, Imperturbable and Imperious. While Accretion means increase, Abscission is to cut off. To quail is to shirk with fear and Quotidian is the word for banal everyday thing for example her quotidian ride to work place. To gainsay is to deny and an impetuous decision is the one taken without a thought so if you find yourself in Greenland without a blanket probably it may be of you making a impetuous decision of flying there without even thinking that it will be cold out there. Being Imperious is to be authoritative and so usually imperious persons are not liked. Making an imperious hand gesture is pretty rude. Gamboling is playing and making noise and it is same as frolicking. The common sentence one encounters for gamboling is the "lambs gamboling in the meadows", so that gave me the idea of constructing my own sentence. "I discovered that I overslept only after I woke up by the gamboling going in my back yard by my neighbor's kids".
Here is one more website which has its archive online and some great words in the list "The Maven's Archive".


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