Saturday, December 17, 2005

Some pics from last few weeks

Sumant, Jackson and Paul on the last day of Math 108 tutoring. These two guys were the most diligent. Stayed back almost every single day we tutored. It was awesome working with Paul and Jackson, we had so much fun tutoring Trig with Dr. Kocik's book.

Here Joe, Travis, his girl Friend and Andrew at Applebee's. The last day all the Math tutors went to eat out and celebrate. Next semester mine and Joe's schedule are diametrically opposite. I will be working from 16:00 to 18:30 hrs along with Travis and Lauren. While Joe and Tracey will work in the later half of evening.

Lauren and Emanuel at Applebee's.

Sumant didn't want to miss on posing for the fresh snow !

First Snow Fall in Carbondale and my car was all blanketed by more than 2 and half inch of snow.


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