Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My staple diet these days !

This is just to document what my staple food has become these days. I usually cook rice and lentil and eat along with any of these pre cooked vegetables some of which are shown in pic here. And there is always some pickle by Sanjeev Kapoor's Khana Khazana. Also showing is Cranberry Juice to which I am hooked now. The taste is sublime, its bit pungent and I like it that way.
Today was good. I finally figured out the relation between the existence of limit and its equivalence to sequence definition. Compared to the regular definition which says that for all epsilon >0 there exists a delta > 0 such that whenever abs(x-a) < delta there exists abs(f(x)-l) < epsilon.

The very first thing one wonders is what this definition is trying to convey.

Actually its talking about how we define a limit of a function. A function f(x) has a limit l, iff for any epsilon neighborhood around l, we can find a delta neighborhood around c, such that the function on any of the value x in the delta neighborhood gets mapped into the epsilon neighborhood around l. Imp things to note that A functional limit is defined only for limit points. So if a point is isolated, we are not concerned. Actually while talking about continuity one can see that its always continuous at isolated pt. So now what is the relation between the limit of a function and sequence ? Now re read the definition it says "delta neighborhood around c", what that means is c is a limit point. So the functional limit can be stated in terms of sequence. and this is how it is stated.
A function


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