Thanksgiving holiday and Analysis !

Well this figure should tell you that I am indeed working on my Analysis class. This is a Maple output for a sequence of function I drew to convince myself that sequence of functions fn(x) =x^(1+1/(2n-1)) converges uniformly to function f(x) = abs(x). But note that the function itself f(x) = abs(x) is itself not differentiable.
Today I tried to prove the L,Hospital rule 0/0 proof. Still have to do the infinite/infinite proof. Other than that I now have some idea of uniform convergence and pointwise convergence. I am done with the proof that if sequence of continuous functions are converging uniformly to a function then that function is continuous. If they converge pointwise than we can't really say that function is continuous and an easy example for it is x^n. Which converges to 0 in [0,1) and to 1 at 1. There is also this function 1/(n*(x^2+1)) which converges uniformly. It was great to know that Mohanji has written a book back in Nepal. I think I will collaborate with him someday to write a book ! Tomorrow I should also be studying Abstract algebra. Lets see how much I am able to cover that stuff. It should be fun.
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