Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Easy Problem

I love tutoring at Neckers every evening Monday to Thursday between 18:30 and 21:00 hrs not because its always a challenge to solve those problem ad-lib. The other reason is more selfish it helps me revise the stuff which otherwise I won't be doing. Most of the times its easy stuff to work with. Here was this problem I worked out for Katy. It seemed so pretty easy at first and then it took me a while to figure it out. Infact I couldn't solve it there, because most of the other tutor had given up on this problem when they gave it to me, so somewhere in my mind I had this doubt that its tricky when other couldn't solve it and hence my approach to solve it was more complicated. When I came home and attacked it again. It just foiled out so easily. So here is the jpeg file I mailed to her. Moral of the story is don't get bogged down if other couldn't solve it.


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