Wednesday, November 19, 2008

10 years ago

If you look back lets say 10 years and imagine how you used to live, you will be surprised how much you have changed in those years. Lets keep this topic only limited to technological changes. 10 years back it was 1998. I was using a Pentium 1 machine and it was 150 Hz processor and used to run windows 1995. I think I upgraded on Windows 98 later. My yahoo account was created around that time. Cell phones were for rich and famous. Voice chat was in its infancy. Calling outside India was still prohibitively expensive. IM were just beginning to come out. I had no experience with Microwave cooking. Cable TV had taken off in a big way. Everyone was scared of Y2k bug. C++ used to rule and JAVA was hot. IT was the booming thing. Young boys all wanted to become software engineers. I was still on dial up account.


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