Monday, November 17, 2008

Fit Vs Healthy

I been thinking about this for some time. Does being fit mean really healthy ? Look at Randy Pausch he was fit, really fit but wasn't healthy. When we say healthy it means all our organs are working in unision, well oiled (figuratively) and in good condition. While being fit is having strength and endurance to accomplish things. Being fit is physical while being healthy is wholesome. As I write this I can see that the distinction is not so sharp. You can be fit like an athelete and yet not being healthy because you are not eating right, your mental unbalance and yet you can run 20 miles and swim 50 laps and ride 40 miles. But if you are healthy you feel good and have no ailments. To be healthy you do need to be a fit but not over fit. Being healthy is more like at peace and you can strive to be over fit.


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