Saturday, December 02, 2006

Chaos today

Dear Sumant,
I am just back after giving the Math GRE. It was a good experience and through this exam I was hoping to gain experience and confidence for my April attempt. Meanwhile things are busy now as semester is nearing its end. I still don't know what is going to happen in the near future, I am sanguine that I will be able to get some TA or RA so I can continue my classes uninterrupted. I really want to take 501 with Dr. Salah and 409 with Dr. Kammler and 419 with Dr. Ban. I tried watching the Hindi movie "Vivah" and was surprised about the rave reviews its receiving but to me it looks artificial and lacking depth so I will save my review for some time later once I finish watching it but what I have watched till now didn't make a positive impression on me.
Last week we had to submit a typed homework for my math 421 class and I enjoyed that. I will be probably be posting that on the website. Also it did made me realize that no matter how good is the math editor it still takes time to put the symbols by using mouse. If one is conversed with Tex one can definitely do it fast. So I now look forward to the mastery of Tex in coming months.

Best regards
Sumant Sumant


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