Friday, August 04, 2006

V for vendetta

Dear Sumant,

How are you doing ? I have a messed up schedule these days, I sleep whole day and awake whole night. Its now 4:15 in the morning while I am writing to you. I know I need to change the schedule but somehow I am unable to do so. Which makes me feel totally out of control of my situation. I have watching more films and these include "Unforgiven" and "A time to Kill". However I still looking for something which gives you a feeling of having watched something good. I also watched the last half an hour of "Anger Management" even though I had watched it before.

The biggest movie which most of people have talked about was "V for vendetta". Its a well thought movie however it is pessimistic and for me it looks like it is heavily inspired by the present day events and it has many references to president Bush. In a nutshell the movie says that current policies will lead to the extinction of US as we know today. All these terrorist bombing etc are being done by government and in future government will have a total control as they continue to add fuel to the people's concern about their safety by making more and more totalitarian laws . I however see the things differently I think 20 years from now people will be lot more prosperous and peaceful and such control is jocular. I think it stems out from the pessimistic situation we currently have in war against terror but I think we will win the war against terror in next 10-15 once we give up the political correctness and rightly identify this evil ideology.

Sumant, I also like Amazon fishbowl show. One of the first talkshow on internet hosted by "Bill Maher". He had another show on HBO and I liked that. Every Thursday it has a new episode and you can catch it on Amazon's website. Just type fishbowl and you will be directed to that page.
As you know my sister sent me a lot of her stuff and now my room has hardly any place left which means I need to reorganize all the stuff.

That's for now
Be yourself
your buddy
Sumant Sumant


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