Monday, January 30, 2012

Dream I had in the morning

I remember myself seeing some dead turtles. It was a sloping hillside. Two were frozen in time. There was one alive too slithering around. I wonder why I had that dream. I realized that few days back Ben, Oliver and I were talking about the turtles and how dangerous and sometime big they could be. We watched some clippings of the river monsters and this guys ends up catching a turtle. A huge one almost the size of a go cart. The giant was nimble too. However the shocking part was one when he flourishes his neck out of his carapace to bite the person standing few fetes away from him. It was frightening because that neck was almost like an eel or like seeing a python leaping out. Another part of the dream had me astounded about not carrying the license with you. The fine amounted to $800 and I was wondering about it and telling myself that this was higher than what you even pay in United states and then ther was this policeman who I recognized from some earlier encounter and then someone from the crowd cautioned me not to get his attention otherwiset he will be in trouble.


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