Friday, January 27, 2012


Is being able to see someone else's point of view such a difficult task? Will you ever take time to listen and ponder to someone ? why someone is saying the same thing over and over again? How do we judge if the other person is talking for our own good ?Is honesty, truthfulness, being mindful and suggestion to do good to another could be construed as a hidden motive? I don't know. I very much like to believe in the inherent goodness in each of us. It's just that we may not be aware of that. But what if someone tells us and show the way. Can we still choose to remain ignorant? Frankly speaking I am astounded by my sister's conduct and her habit of blaming everyone else. It's one thing when you are ignorant and it's totally no no when you have been held hand and shown the path. There are few other people like her I have met. We like to think that may be we can help them but they remain stubborn refusing to take responsibility , refusing to forgive and continually going in the downward spiral with ever increasing speed. Not realizing they have a choice. How fortunate they are to have blessed with so many things. They get too busy counting what they don't have instead of what they have.


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