Sunday, December 07, 2008

Your Dictionary and new words, Cavil, Lector, Caver, Traduce, Caveat

I finally have your dictionary on my mobile phone and its at present the best and dictionary because it gives many examples of how to use the word. Today I learned the following words
1. Cavil
2. Lector
3. Cavern
4. Caveat
5. Traduce

Cavil "A trivial objection or quibble"
"Excuse me for interrupting this way but I have some cavils about the proceedings of the meeting" interjected the old wisened man.

Lector " Person who reads the scriptures in the church
ex : At very early age, he was ordained lector

Cavern: n cave, a large cave
ex: He was now standing in a vast cavern
ex : You can also explore caverns where locals collect swallow nests to make bird nest soup.

Caveat: Admonish, caution, warning
ex: Once again I have to add our usual caveat.
ex: Yes you could but there are obvious caveats

Traduce: Slander, to say untrue or malicious things about others, vilify
ex : The bill before the house tonight traduces those principles.

My take on these words
Josh put a cavil when he saw the young lector traducing the head pastor in the makeshift chapel inside the humongous cavern by pointing out the caveats in their pledge doctrine.


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