Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Toastmaster Speech and Ensconced

Today I made the speech about "What is Mathematics ?" at my local chapter of Toastmasters club. I thought I was little under prepared but by the time I started talking I could see how the speech was going and able to steer right to my point. The mock preparation I did before giving the speech at library helped tremendously. Also I was able to keep the speech under 7 minute 30 second. It was exact 7 minutes. Other than that today we discussed "Snake Oil " method in the class. The best thing about today that I was able to get up early in the morning. Did cooking (dalmakhani), study and able to finish the grading on time. The word of the day today was "ensconced". to settle securely or snugly: I found her in the library, ensconced in an armchair. to cover or shelter; hide securely: He ensconced himself in the closet in order to eavesdrop. hough ensconced in the seat of the Supreme One, Lahiri Mahasaya showed reverence to all men, irrespective of their differing merits. My take on ensconce

Having Borak Obama as a president was a dream till last year for many African American's and it was a rude awakening for many evangelicals who were ensconced in the belief that McCain would win without a hiccup.


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