Monday, November 24, 2008

Beemo and her ramblings

Remember the thought how your thoughts define you a person. Nowhere else in history it was possible to know about people than it is now unless they were writers, anchors, columnists or famous person. Lot of young people want to change the world. One of the good thing about being young is your world view is less obstructed by the veneer of prejudices you acquire (if you are not careful about the interpretations you give to your experiences) and that's why for young people everything is a possibility. Beemo in her own capacity has already changed things. She has a world record under her belt in weightlifting. She posts her ramblings on the facebook and this is how I have got to know her. Unlike most other teenagers of her age she definitely has some vision for her life but she herself doesn't seem to have defined it and that's what is holding her back. it It's because how far you can see depends on how far top you are sitting on the tree and the closer to ground you are the harder it is for sunshine to reach you. After reading her posts I can see someone who is promising but how far she goes in life will depend on how fast she starts climbing up the tree of knowledge.


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