Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tea break

It's break time and I am here in the room next to staff room. I like being here because it allows me some quite time away from the chit chat of staff room. I realized that my French class is 5 days a week.
Over past few weeks I learned a number of words. Some of these are as follows
Riven: Among his more awesome memories was a mighty boulder riven by shrubs growing out of it.

Fraying: Two chairs with fraying seats.

Rickety: We went carefully up the rickety stairs.

Ruffle: You are becoming a regular here. She teased ruffling my hair with one hand as she sat down next to my chair.

I liked the way she held my eyes until the precise moment when it stopped being comfortable and then smiled softening the assail but never looked away.

I was tough which is probably the saddest thing you can say about a man.

She used to project an aura that was attractive and inviolable at the same time.

Offering one of the cigarettes with a flourish.

Deferential: He spoke with deferential amiability to the two Canadians.


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