Wednesday, November 30, 2011

fun readings

There are very few books which I have read more than couple of times. There are some books which I have read over 20 times. I just finished rereading  Hardy's book "A Mathematician's Apology"  probably for the 3rd or 4th time. Its not one of the most uplifting book but surely its a book which has shaped the opinion of countless of mathematicians. I also kind of finished "Calculus of Friendship" by Steven Strogatz. It goaded me to get another book by Paul Nahin called "Chases and Escapes". So I might be spending some time to finish both of Paul's book Dr Euler's formula and chases and escapes. I learned about chases and escape problems in another book by Graham but I didn't know that it has such an interesting history. I did a cursory reading of Paul's book and it seems like a lot of fun


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