Monday, May 28, 2012

My good friend Keqian Mei

 There are few people you met in life who you truly like to call friend. Keqian Mei is among one of those very few. I met Mei when I was in Carbondale. I still vividly remember my first meeting. I had twisted my knee and Akina came to get me so we all could go to KFC for 5 pm dinner. Mei was sitting on the back and from that day we forged a friendship. There are lots of things I admire about him. He is intelligent, funny, super kind and the most soft spoken person I know. I cherish the days when we use to play ping pong together. I had the good fortune of meeting his mom who was herself a smashing ping pong player. She even got me an excellent paddle. They say that out of sight translates to out of mind. Yes its very true there have been lots of people you meet and after a while you let them fade away in the sand of time but there are special who continue to impress deeper into the recesses of your mind. Its a good feeling to know such nice people.


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