Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Caitiff, Bosky, Schnorrer, Tenebrous, Esperance, Contrail, Yelper, Clamant, Tergiversation, Canard

Caitiff, mean, evil, or cowardly person


Schnorrer, a person who lives by begging or by sponging on others

Tenebrous, dark gloomy


Contrail, a white trail of condensed water vapor that sometimes forms in the wake of an aircraft; vapor trail

Visibility was good with some cirrus and contrails in the sky.

To utter a short, sharp bark or cry: excited dogs yelping; yelped in pain when the bee stung.



  1. clamorous; noisy
  2. demanding attention; urgent

1 : evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement :equivocation 2 : desertion of a cause, position, party, or faith

1. to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate.
2. to turn renegade.
Writing is to be preferred before verbal conferences, as being freer from passions and tergiversations

The colonel, after all his tergiversations, lost his life in the king's service. --Clarendon.
  1. a false, esp. malicious, report that has been fabricated with the intention of doing harm
    1. an airplane whose horizontal stabilizer is located forward of the wing or wings
    2. the horizontal control and stabilizing surfaces in such an aircraft

The Glasgow newspaper found it proper to repeat this canard, without citing its source, as an expression of faith in its accuracy.

My take on these words

I like to avoid religious discussions not because I am a Caitiff or claim to know much more than other people but the sight of people yelping and tergiversating and still clinging to their opinion with a circular reasoning is just not amusing.


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