Sunday, January 25, 2009

California's Energy Gamble

Yesterday I was watching the documentary on California's gamble to become green. Under Schwarzenegger astute leadership California has embarked on an ambitious initiative to reduce the green house emission to the levels at the beginning of the century in next 40 years. I am very optimistic that California will achieve this with resounding success though skeptics might think otherwise. The reason for my optimism is because its a grand plan and to make America more competitive we need newer technology. The current way of generating energy using fossil fuel is too harmful for the environment especially burning coal. I applaud that he made it clear that no more coal plant should be made. The biggest hurdle this plan faces is ensuring an uninterrupted power supply using Wind and Solar Power as they are at mercy of mother nature and the current technology has to grow to find a way to store the excess energy. The other hurdle of transmitting is more manageable. I was surprised the documentary didn't talk about tidal energy and difference in sea water method and using waste to extract energy the other promising technologies. It did show a newer more economical way of producing solar cells, energy efficient houses and appliances.


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