Saturday, July 09, 2005

Not an Otiose Word

Otiose means
Useless; serving no real purpose and, therefore, ineffective; as, otiose bureaucratic regulations. Latin otiosus (at leisure). gave
Otiose is from Latin otiosus, "idle, at leisure," from otium, "leisure."

Google search gave

Otiose is afterall not an otiose word. The word means useless. For ex I can coin a sentence as
Many times, the once thought otiose theories have become the foundation of great development. Even learning otiose words does expand your mind, because each time you learn a new word you are forcing yourself to think about it and expanding your mental faculty. Here is another one "When you are launching a space shuttle every gm of payload costs exorbitantly, so the designers have to be extremely careful about the weight and weed out any otiose payload thing they can find.


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