Sunday, August 06, 2017


I searched through my archives and I had read this book 8 years back on Jan 20,2009. I had got this book from Carbondale Library. So rereading again was fun on my iPad. It's a story about Author Craig Thompson's first love and his overly religious family. His chilhood and growing up in cold Wisconsin. Being bullied at school and finding his first girlfriend at a church camp. Being head over heels and after doing all the cutesy stuff he decides to visit her for two weeks in the midst of her parents getting divorced. She has three other siblings, two of them adopted and taking care of her sister's daughter. Both her adopted siblings have their own struggles. On his return from the reunion they grow apart and he gets rid of her presents and memories and movies to city to pursue his passion of art and discovers city life away from the religious upbringing which has tormented him throughout his high school years. Though his parents still remain very relgious.



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