Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hinduism treading the islamic and Christain fundamentalist route

 These days Hinduism is going the way Islam and fundamental Christians are behaving. They just banned the book "The Hindu" by Wendy Doniger's book. Increasingly the self appointed moral brigade of hindus have become more and more vocal about their intolerance to any thing which is not is line with their own interpretation. To them everything is already in Vedas and Upanishads and the west is just stealing ideas from there. If this is true why can't these charlatans just read the book and become the most educated people of the world. Hinduism is considered to be a more progressive religion but it also has its fair share of backward ideas associated with it. Casteism is the most prominent one. Then one has to ask why they keep sticking with this religion which annihilated the Buddhism in India and then people come up with the argument that its not the religion but the people who have hijacked it. My answer to them is any society is made by its people if the society is rotting and there is no way to change it then why not leave that society rather than being associated with those people and these days its lot easier to leave a society and join the other one with which you can identify yourself.


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