Sunday, July 22, 2012

Trouble with online education

 I just read an article by Mark Edmundson about his view on Trouble with education. He is one of the last vanguard of university system who are desperately seeking to still keep the hegemony over education. Alas its too late. I think he has never watched Salman Khan videos. The problem with long lectures is they become overwhelming. But take any statistics and it would be amply clear that number of students who benefit from online education is tremendous. The reason is students have control over the amount of time they want to spend over the lecture. They can pause, rewind and consult online and other resources in case they are stuck. He himself pointed out how the lecturer senses his students and tailor his lectures accordingly for the class. He should have known from the elementary statistics course the class in any university is quite a good sample for the population. So if a professor is filmed during the class it is very likely he is addressing many more students at the same time who all have similar questions and that's why when you watch lectures of  Francis Su, Gilbert Strang or Walter Lewin. Its so easy to connect.


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