Monday, April 30, 2012

BP profits rises

One of the thing which future generation will wonder why there was never a collective will against using fossil fuels. Did our generation never realized that fossil fuels are still much more expensive to use than the current so called not do efficient renewable technologies. I remember when I was a kid I used to wonder why doesn't our government throws open sectors like power generation and insurance to foreign companies because after every budget we were told that wall street was not happy with the slow pace of reforms in India and it will slow down the expected GDP growth. Its only  safter living in United States did I realize that wall street profit has not much to do with the standard of living of the people.America did  shock me with their poverty. To an outsider it looks that they are the richest people but lot of them barely scrape by. Their wages might be higher but whatever they earn they end up spending paying bills.


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